The most common mistakes people do when they try to get their ex back

I will show which are the most common and lethal mistakes that you must avoid in order to have chances to get them back.

I am doing this, because if you don't recognize these mistakes you will inevitably end up doing some of these things. Maybe you have even done some of them already. It's OK. They are common. You still have a chance to save your former relationship.
Just make the decision to not allow yourself to do these things from now on.

Let's see the top 4 most common mistakes:

1. Mobile phone terrorism and drunk dialing

Oh man, every time I think of this a friend of mine comes to mind. He's a nice guy... Unless he's drunk. When he's drunk he becomes very... compulsive. He drinks a lot and he drinks frequently. So this guy got a girlfriend. She's really cute and they were good friends before the relationship. They hit it off for the first couple of months.

Everything was fine, until he started dialing and texting this girl while he's drunk with his guy friends. I've got to admit, it was hilarious to watch him do it. And it was also pointless trying to stop him. As you might expect this girl broke up as soon as she found out that this is not going to stop. And he was left to wonder why (he thinks this is normal and it is just a way to show his love to her).

Let me tell you- it was after the break up that things got really heavy. He got depressed and he started getting drunk even more often. Of course she wouldn't pick up the phone because she didn't want to hear his ramblings again. So he started text messaging this girl with drunken love messages in which he basically was begging her to come back to him.

Don't be like my friend. Do you think that is going to help? Of course not. It can only make things worse.
Do not terrorise your ex with text messages and do not dial them while drunk.

Let's look at the next mistake:

2. Being too needy

Most people think that if they want to get their ex back, the most reasonable and correct thing to do would be to beg them to come back. Or to try to reach that person in one way or another. Or to show them that they are really hurt by the break up, so that they understand how important that relationship was.

All these things are just plainly wrong. They will never get your ex to want to be with you again. In fact they will only make them think that they made the right decision by breaking up with you.

No one wants to be with a needy person. Neediness is highly unattractive. Stop showing signs of being desperate.

3.Focusing your whole life around the break up

Many people stop doing the things they normally do when they break up with their ex. They may lie for whole days in bed, or stay in front of the TV for many hours or stop to go out altogether. They allow the break up and the emotions that come with it to affect the other areas of their life. This only makes the negative emotions stay longer.

You don't want to be one of those people. Because this shows your ex that you are not strong enough to be with them. If you let yourself slip in this pattern, believe me, your ex will notice it. And it will hurt your chances.

4. Panicking if your ex starts seeing someone else

When break ups happen, they are nerve wracking, stressful and frustrating. Usually if you find out in that moment that your ex is seeing someone else, this intensifies these feelings greatly. You freak out. This is not a situation that you want to be in. You may do many things that you will regret in that state of mind.

It's very often that people quickly seek comfort in a rebound relationship. Rebound relationships keep people from having to face with the emotions of breaking up. This is not anything personal. If your ex did that, first realise that it is common. And it is not so critical - most rebound relationships end very quickly. Especially if the the relationship gets physical too fast. If that happened probably your ex just seeks the intimacy she had with you because they are missing it. Don't worry, they will soon realise that this new person is not for them.

Go in the opposite direction of freaking out. Focus on your own thing. Concentrate on your career or your hobbies. If you keep your personal power like that this will attract back the attention of your ex. Also remember, that when the rebound relationship is over (and that will be soon after it started), you will be able get your ex back.

As I said earlier, even if you already did some of these mistakes, you still have a chance to get your ex back. Most good relationships can be saved if you really want to.

Now that you know what you need to avoid, let me show you the fun part:
Click here to learn what are the first steps to winning your ex back.

Seymour S.